Who we are

The Purple Project Fund is an international, student-led advocacy group working towards non-partisanship for strong, productive government institutions.

O U R   V A L U E S

A society of consensus

Our belief is that strong, productive, and truly democratic governments cannot exist without a political willingness for non-partisanship. We work to build an environment in which the priority is country over party.

O U R   O R G A N I Z A T I O N

A universal effort

PPF has ongoing efforts in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and India. We firmly beleive that our values are universally applicable, and as such, we work around the world for stronger public institutions.

O U R   A P P R O A C H

A prioritization of the community

Our approach to advocacy is based on a focus on individual regions and communities. We work to enact small, but impactful, state and muncipal legislature globally through our local affiliate organizations.

O U R  L E A D E R S H I P

Department heads and Directors

Luke Jeon

Founder and Executive Director

Noah Kalma

Dept. Head, Finance

Chloe Yong

Dept. Head, Policy

Alexander Ananian

Dept. Head, Development

Ian Najera

Dept. Head, Communications

Gotti Gasparian

Executive VP, Policy

Kshitij Purani

Dept. Head, International Cord.

Jatin Gundara

Dept. Head, Partnerships